T-card Ehime

T-Card Ehime

As a cinematographer, I have had the privilege of capturing stories from all over the world. This time, my lens took me to the picturesque Yawatahama, Ehime, to film a documentary for T-card, a company that aims to promote sustainable fishing practices through its waste-less fishing utilization platform.

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Yawatahama is a beautiful coastal town that is famous for its rich fishing culture. Our objective was to showcase how T-card’s platform encourages ethical food procurement and helps reduce waste in the fishing industry. We were accompanied by a team of professionals who were just as passionate about spreading awareness about sustainable fishing practices.

We started our journey by interviewing local fishermen, who shared with us their experiences and the challenges they face in their day-to-day operations. Their insights gave us a deeper understanding of the issues that the fishing industry is facing and how T-card’s platform is making a positive impact.

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Way of Life

Next, we visited the local fish market, where we witnessed the bustling activity of buyers and sellers coming together to trade the catch of the day. It was fascinating to see how T-card’s platform is making a difference in the way fish is procured, stored and transported, ensuring that there is minimum waste and maximum utilization.

Finally, we visited a hotel that uses the fish procured through T-card’s platform in their restaurant. The hotel’s chef showed us how he uses fresh and sustainable ingredients to create delicious dishes that are not only tasty but also environmentally friendly.


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