Pampers- New Hadaichi

Pampers- New Hadaichi


To truly comprehend the impact of Pampers Hadaichi diapers, the brand sought the opinions and experiences of mothers who are in tune with their babies’ needs. A diverse group of mothers was carefully selected to participate in the blind test. These mothers, armed with only their sense of touch, were presented with both the new Pampers Hadaichi diapers and the current Pampers Hadaichi product. Their task was simple yet crucial: to determine if they could feel a discernible difference in softness between the two products.

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During the blind test, it was crucial to capture genuine reactions from the participating mothers. To achieve this we ensured that the cameras seamlessly blended into the background. By adopting an unobtrusive approach, the team created an environment that allowed the mothers to interact naturally with the diapers and express their emotions freely, resulting in authentic and heartfelt reactions.



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    Pampers Hadaichi


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